What is a Private Fund and Accredited Investors and How Can They Raise Capital?

Education, News

How do private funds provide capital to early-stage companies? A fund is an entity created to pool money from multiple investors—often referred to as limited partners. Each investor makes an investment in the fund by purchasing an interest in the fund entity, and the adviser uses that money to make investments on behalf of the fund. Traditional venture […]

Embracing the Crypto Renaissance: The Rise of Fearless Cryptocurrency “Gurus” and Builders

Education, News

In the ever-evolving realm of cryptocurrencies, the present time is witnessing a profound shift. As the global landscape becomes increasingly aware of the potential and transformative power of digital currencies, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture where true cryptocurrency gurus and builders are poised to flourish. Amidst this wave of innovation, pioneers are stepping […]

A Convincing Case for Cardano’s Non-Security Status, Compliance with the Howey Test, and a Thriving Ecosystem

Crypto, Education, News

Cardano, a leading blockchain platform, has faced scrutiny regarding its classification as a security. This article presents a compelling argument showcasing how Cardano successfully meets the criteria of the Howey Test while highlighting its functional ecosystem and utility. By examining the factors of the Howey Test and acknowledging Cardano’s thriving ecosystem, we can solidify its […]

A Step-by-Step Guide to Buy $FUNDS Token on Cardano (ADA) Using Various Wallets

Education, Nami Wallet, News

If you’re eager to join the exciting world of $FUNDS on the Cardano blockchain, you’ll be pleased to know that you can purchase the tokens using various wallets like Nami Wallet, Yoroi Wallet, Eternal Wallet, or similar options. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to buy $FUNDS tokens using any of these […]

Unveiling the Power of $FUNDS: Fostering Good Crypto Adoption through Education and Awareness


We are excited to be at the forefront of driving crypto adoption by empowering individuals to understand blockchain, Cardano, and the world of cryptocurrency. Our mission is to bridge the knowledge gap and make crypto accessible to everyone. In this article, we will explore how $FUNDS is playing a vital role in fostering good crypto […]

MEV Bots: Unraveling the Secrets of Profitable Transaction Rearrangement

Education, News, Trading

In the dynamic realm of blockchain technology, an intriguing concept has emerged known as Miner Extractable Value (MEV). MEV refers to the potential profit that miners or validators can extract by manipulating the order and inclusion of transactions in a block. MEV bots, fueled by sophisticated algorithms, have gained attention for their ability to exploit […]